Saturday 23 November 2013

What’s ‘Reality’ When Calculating Online Ad Numbers for Local TV and Radio?

What’s ‘Reality’ When Calculating Online Ad Numbers for Local TV and Radio"In turn, this success has given broadcast stations the opportunity to expand their position in their local markets from solely an over-the-air media source to a local media company that can provide access to local audiences in different, effective ways for their advertiser clients."

We at Peachland Community RADIOwill soon be offering local businesses the opportunity to expose your brand to a wider audience through our digital radio station, our online newspaper, broadcast website,and social media channels. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can become a founding sponsor partner. As you can see there are exciting times ahead in the new digital frontier.


Tuesday 29 October 2013

’Where is all the money?’: Pace of aid effort frustrates Sandy survivors

’Where is all the money?’: Pace of aid effort frustrates Sandy survivors Do you remember the hug Obama gave Christie and the words "We will not forget you". It was just a photo op folks, just like Clinton and Bush in Haiti. It's not rocket science to figure this out, just start thinking with your own head.

Monday 28 October 2013

Rex Murphy: The Mired Senate - Rex Murphy

Rex Murphy: The Mired Senate - Rex Murphy Citizen Joe
Rex , my friend . 

Lest we forget Harper's role in all of this mess . 

First , he promised Senate reform .... then he stacked the Senate with his own patronage appointments . He personally chose Brazeau , Wallen and Duffy not out their qualifications for the job but their ability to fundraise for him and in Brazeau's case to get the First Nations vote . 

Second , he did not come clean ( transparency + accountability ) when he became aware that their personal expense claims were not kosher . He had every opportunity to do so but made a clear decision not to do so . 

Third , then Harper made himself unavailable for questioning on his Senate scandal by travelling all around northern Canada and then the world . 

Fourth , then he further makes himself unavailable by proroguing Canadian Parliament for the 4th time in 7 years . 

Five , now he decides to throw his Senate appointees to the wolves in an attempt to completely absolve himself of any and all responsibility . 

Rex buddy , how on earth can you discuss the current mess in the Senate without even a cursory mention of these critical points of larger context ? 

Rex , I expect much more from you than you have provided in your analysis of affairs . 

You are extremely bright , you know the big picture very well .... you have a ethical and moral responsibility as an investigative journalist to do a much better job than you have done here . 

Our nation , our democracy , the truth itself deserves better from you

Thursday 15 August 2013

Eskimo Fan Radio w/Allan Holender Episode-7 08/14 by CLNSRadio | Sports Podcasts

Eskimo Fan Radio w/Allan Holender Episode-7 08/14 by CLNSRadio | Sports Podcasts In case you missed last night's interview with Tom Higgins. A few surprises and why I have changed my mind about a few things. Tom was gracious and very accommodating. He went to great lengths to explain what happened on that fateful night in Montreal in the last few seconds. Eskimo fans listen up!

Sunday 11 August 2013

What is racism? Confusion reigns

What is racism? Confusion reigns.     This is probably one of the most honest and well written pieces  by a journalist on the "reality" of what's happening in Vancouver today. Well done Douglas Todd

Monday 22 July 2013

The Name Game: Shirley Ellis

Now that we know the Duchess has finally  given birth...let the name game begin.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Pineacre on the Lake

Minicast 1   We found nirvana in Peachland at Pineacre on the Lake. Roxanne and I were Tanya & Rocky's first guests. Spectacular views, luxurious accommodation,gracious hosts, Voted best view of lake B & B by Peachland Tourist Bureau. Book now before the summer rush. 778-479-0088 Tell them Allan sent you.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A Different Point of View....: Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendenci...

A Different Point of View....: Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendenci...: The stepped-up authoritarian, anti-democratic manner in which Stephen Harper has conducted himself since obtaining his Parliamentary majorit...

Tuesday 23 April 2013

NDP suspicious of timing on alleged terrorism plot arrests Monday and anti-terrorism bill debate in House

NDP suspicious of timing on alleged terrorism plot arrests Monday and anti-terrorism bill debate in House

So what's happened to our little peace loving country. Well, after years of Conservative rule, we have managed to  stick  our noses into countries we have no business being in. Do you remember the days, when we wore United Nations arm bands and were loved by countries  because we were seen as peace makers, not war mongers. Stephen Harper has been in lock step with countries  who are used to this sort of thing. Always being in war, always in turmoil, conflict, always being hated. 

For some reason, and only his  psychiatrist knows for sure , he wants to play with the  big boys, he wants to be a bully just like them. Maybe he was  a skinny nerdy kid when he was a child and bullied.  And  just like some who have been bullied, they want to be in a position of power so that they  can have pay back.  So they might become policemen, marines, and yes  even politicians. There seems to be a preoccupation with Harper, Baird and certainly Toews to want to protect us from those who would harm us. Just  who are these people that would bring harm to us? 

How many grain elevators have been  bombed, hockey rinks destroyed,  tractors blown up and dairy farms sprayed with chemical weapons of mass destruction? ..nada. As a matter of fact not one civilian has been even inconvenienced more than long delays at airports.   Yet here we are on April 23,2013 and our government wants to bring in  legislation that in fact will take away our civil liberties in  a way that can only be described as paranoia and power seeking. 

Ours is a country of 35 million people, most of whom reside in four major cities, by order of size: Greater Toronto 5.5 million, Greater Montreal 2 million, Winnipeg 633,000,Vancouver 602,000. There has never been a terrorist attack or loss of lives from an outside source in any of the aforementioned cities. That leaves others dotting the Canadian landscape that make up the rest of the population base, cities and towns also without incident. Halifax, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, etc etc. 

The list of small town Canada is endless, because most of Canada is rural.  We all are saddened by what happened in Boston and we are equally saddened by what happens with terrorist attacks  in Britain, Iraq, New Delhi and wherever and whenever they are stricken. 

But let's put our own country in perspective and start thinking with our own heads. Instead of attracting fear, paranoia  and terrorism, let's start attracting that which our country used to be proud of; peace and civility, medical care and oh yes, hockey. That's as simple as it gets folks, don't let ego driven maniacal politicians lead us down their own dysfunctional road to salvation. Would you follow a psychopath or sociopath into a bank and help him rob it? It's what will happen if we don't stop the madness now.

Friday 29 March 2013

RCI // Not all Canadians 'fascinated with pandas’, CBC readers say

RCI // Not all Canadians 'fascinated with pandas’, CBC readers say


"$10 million for cute pandas. World-class fresh water research not so much," said Merkin Muffley.
Many other readers complained about the price tag, but the government says it isn't paying anything to host the pandas in Canada. Henry Nicholls, author of The Way of the Panda, says zoos will typically pay $1 million per pair per year, although the figure can vary. The Toronto Zoo has spent $8 million on a new enclosure and is expected to spend $2 million a year on maintenance.

Monday 11 February 2013

The Leibowitz Society: Edge of Reality

The Leibowitz Society: Edge of Reality: I won't spend much time commenting on the news, but wanted to mention the manhunt for Christopher Dorner . The whole episode itself is surr...

Thursday 31 January 2013

Harsanyi: Al Gore is (very) rich and he thinks you're (very) stupid

Harsanyi: Al Gore is (very) rich and he thinks you're (very) stupid I watched Jon Stewart last night and got the same impression. He evaded the question of why he is in bed with the very people he has been condemning. His credibility is now zero, but his bank account now has 8 zeroes. And yes, he is very rich, and yes he does think you are all stupid. He knows he had you at "fear" and "consequences". The great human frailty.

Monday 14 January 2013


Please note that all future blogs will originate from my new personal blog site "Musings Of Papa Zen" at :

Saturday 5 January 2013

Conscious Planet Radio: Is the Prime Minister of Canada a Sociopath?

Conscious Planet Radio: Is the Prime Minister of Canada a Sociopath?: Is Stephen Harper a sociopath? Let's put him to the test and then you can form your own conclusion with the test results. Let me know what s...

Is the Prime Minister of Canada a Sociopath?

Is Stephen Harper a sociopath? Let's put him to the test and then you can form your own conclusion with the test results. Let me know what score you came up with and let's compare notes.

Sociopathy is a complex personality disorder. Sociopaths exhibit a wide variety of maladaptive behavior which makesthe condition difficult to diagnose. Sociopathy is not one trait; it is a syndrome—a cluster of related symptoms.

The following questionnaire is based on research and experiences of socialised sociopaths. For each trait, decide if it applies to the person you suspect may be a socialised sociopath, fully (2 points), partially (1 point) or not at all (0 points).

1) Do they have problems sustaining stable relationships, personally and in business?

2) Do they frequently manipulate others to achieve selfish goals, with no consideration of the effects on those manipulated?

3) Are they cavalier about the truth, and capable of telling lies to your face?

4) Do they have an air of self-importance, regardless of their true standing in society?

5) Have they no apparent sense of remorse, shame or guilt?

6) Is their charm superficial, and capable of being switched on to suit immediate ends?

7) Are they easily bored and demand constant stimulation?

8) Are their displays of human emotion unconvincing?

9) Do they enjoy taking risks, and acting on reckless impulse?

10) Are they quick to blame others for their mistakes?

11) As teenagers, did they resent authority, play truant and/or steal?

12) Do they have no qualms about sponging off others?

13) Are they quick to lose their temper?

14) Are they sexually promiscuous?

15) Do they have a belligerent, bullying manner?

16) Are they unrealistic about their long-term aims?

17) Do they lack any ability to empathise with others?

18) Would you regard them as essentially irresponsible?

A score of 25 or above suggests strong psychopathic tendencies. This does not mean the person is a potential mass-murderer: socialised psychopaths are not mad, nor do they have to resort to violence. Even so, a close professional or emotional relationship with a socialised psychopath is likely to prove a damaging experience.