Tuesday 23 April 2013

NDP suspicious of timing on alleged terrorism plot arrests Monday and anti-terrorism bill debate in House

NDP suspicious of timing on alleged terrorism plot arrests Monday and anti-terrorism bill debate in House

So what's happened to our little peace loving country. Well, after years of Conservative rule, we have managed to  stick  our noses into countries we have no business being in. Do you remember the days, when we wore United Nations arm bands and were loved by countries  because we were seen as peace makers, not war mongers. Stephen Harper has been in lock step with countries  who are used to this sort of thing. Always being in war, always in turmoil, conflict, always being hated. 

For some reason, and only his  psychiatrist knows for sure , he wants to play with the  big boys, he wants to be a bully just like them. Maybe he was  a skinny nerdy kid when he was a child and bullied.  And  just like some who have been bullied, they want to be in a position of power so that they  can have pay back.  So they might become policemen, marines, and yes  even politicians. There seems to be a preoccupation with Harper, Baird and certainly Toews to want to protect us from those who would harm us. Just  who are these people that would bring harm to us? 

How many grain elevators have been  bombed, hockey rinks destroyed,  tractors blown up and dairy farms sprayed with chemical weapons of mass destruction? None...zero ..nada. As a matter of fact not one civilian has been even inconvenienced more than long delays at airports.   Yet here we are on April 23,2013 and our government wants to bring in  legislation that in fact will take away our civil liberties in  a way that can only be described as paranoia and power seeking. 

Ours is a country of 35 million people, most of whom reside in four major cities, by order of size: Greater Toronto 5.5 million, Greater Montreal 2 million, Winnipeg 633,000,Vancouver 602,000. There has never been a terrorist attack or loss of lives from an outside source in any of the aforementioned cities. That leaves others dotting the Canadian landscape that make up the rest of the population base, cities and towns also without incident. Halifax, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, etc etc. 

The list of small town Canada is endless, because most of Canada is rural.  We all are saddened by what happened in Boston and we are equally saddened by what happens with terrorist attacks  in Britain, Iraq, New Delhi and wherever and whenever they are stricken. 

But let's put our own country in perspective and start thinking with our own heads. Instead of attracting fear, paranoia  and terrorism, let's start attracting that which our country used to be proud of; peace and civility, medical care and oh yes, hockey. That's as simple as it gets folks, don't let ego driven maniacal politicians lead us down their own dysfunctional road to salvation. Would you follow a psychopath or sociopath into a bank and help him rob it? It's what will happen if we don't stop the madness now.